Friday, December 28, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder...

I figured that I hadn't updated here in quite some time.  Things have been pretty crazy here the last month or so, but I figured I owed you all an update :)

  • I started a new job!  I am no longer working at the school, but I'm now back in the healthcare field working at a local hospital.  I am still on orientation, but I really like it so far!  Lee started a new job, as well, which he really likes.  Two new jobs at once, however, makes things a little...nerve-wrecking...
  • I was doing physical therapy for my knee for a while, but despite being religious about doing my exercises, it wasn't getting any better.  Aside from that, it was expensive (especially when they wanted me there at least once a week), so I stopped going.  Unfortunately, when I stopped going, I was so frustrated that I also stopped doing my exercises...
  • Despite zero exercise and not eating the best since Thanksgiving, I am still holding my weight under 150 lbs.  In the new year, I would like to keep my weight around where I am, but I want to be fit again.  I've slacked since my knee injury, but I want to get better again.
  • The holidays have been quite busy...need I say more???

Hopefully, things will keep settling into place and I can start working on my knee again.  Lee and I are also planning on trying to be healthier as a family...since it is easier to do it as a family and keep it going.

Happy holidays and best wishes in the New Year!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Monthly Recap: November

November is over and December is here!  One month left to finish these things!!!

  1. Run 500 Miles in 2012
    • November was spent trying to heal my knee.  I ran a total of about 3.5 miles, therefore bringing my 2012 mileage total to 367.5/500.  With one month left, 132.5 miles to go, and my knee still really isn't looking very promising...  I would have to run an average of about 4.3 miles a day to hit that goal... *waaa*waaa*
  2. Run a 10k
  3. Run a Half Marathon
  4. Complete a Duathlon
  5. Complete (at least) 12 Races
    • I did 1 race this month (Fast Before the Feast) my 2012 race total moves to 12/12!  BOOYA!!!
  6. Hit my Goal Weight of 130
    • Not happening
  7. Be a Better Mom
    • I have been really working on patience and spending time with Bean
  8. Be a Better Wife
    • Doing what I can
  9. Be a Better Friend
    • Struggling to find time for friends right now, but I'm really trying :(
  10. Be a Great Bridesmaid
  11. Get Into Nursing School (Failed...)
  12.  Get a House
  13. Pay Off a Student Loan
    • Just gotta keep chipping away...
  14. Dress Better to Feel Better
    • Still doing it...
  15. Floss More
    • Missed a few days, but still keeping it up

Saturday, November 24, 2012

2012 Fast Before the Feast 5k

On Thanksgiving morning, Jason picked me up and we headed to White Bear Lake to run the 2012 Fast Before the Feast 5k.  We ran this one last year, so I knew exactly what to expect for the course.  My knee injury was still nagging (started physical therapy for it on Monday...), but I did it anyway.  Jason had a sore leg, so I figured we could take it nice and easy and keep each other going.  Once we hit the start line, Jason said good luck and took off, so I was at it alone.

No biggie, as I normally end up racing alone, but I knew right off the bat it would be tough to keep it going.  My knee was screaming at me within a quarter mile, but I tried to ignore it and keep going.  I will spare you the boring recap, but I only made it to the 2.5 mile mark before I had to walk.  I started up the huge hill, but had tears in my eyes and knew it was bad, so I forced myself to walk.  This is very difficult for me, as I have never had to walk in a 5k.  It happens.  For the last half mile, I would run until the tears would start and then walk until I could get them to stop.  I finished this one and it was the slowest 5k I have ever run.


After the Last Sibling Race of the Year

Not exactly how I wanted to end up 2012 running season.  With my knee still acting up, I don't see myself running another one this year.

Injuries happen and there isn't a lot you can do about them.  I'm just hoping with physical therapy, I can get my knee back to where it needs to be so I can actually run again.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful - My Parents


I am thankful for great parents.  Jason, Tammy and I somehow managed to luck out and get the two best parents that kids could ever get.  We got parents who support and love us, no matter what we do or what path we choose to follow.  They pick us up when we have been kicked to the ground, but are also there to slap us upside the head if we screw up big time.  We are so very fortunate that we got them and they got stuck with us.  I love you two!!!

What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful - Baking Enjoyment


I am thankful that I enjoy baking.  On an evening like this when I have to bake three big pies and three dozen mini pies, I'm really glad that I enjoy baking...and that I'm pretty good at it.  If I didn't like doing it, even if I was good at it still, having to make all this stuff would be torture.  However, especially with some help from Bean, I really love it.  AND it makes the house smell delicious!!!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful - New Job


I am thankful for my new job.  No, it hasn't officially started yet, but I couldn't be more excited about it.  Every interaction I have had with anybody there has been great!  They have all been super nice and greatly helpful.  I had to go for my health screening, HR paperwork, and security clearance yesterday and it was a great experience.  I am super thankful to finally be getting back into the healthcare field and in a hospital setting!  My current position, which I've been in for 4.5 years...these past two weeks have been super stressful.  Since I put my notice in, things have just gotten even...rougher...  I will definitely miss seeing Kali every day, but I've already been promised we will remain friends (and I'm totally holding her to that!!!).  NST @ FV...HERE I COME!!!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful - Physical Therapy


I am thankful for physical therapy.  After my appointment this morning, it was confirmed that it is probably just my patella tracking goofy because of my super flat feet.  I got a bunch of exercises to do (and was told I have great quads) and that with maybe some extra shoe inserts (nerd!), I should be good to go!  This made me really happy and so relieved it wasn't something worse!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful - Cooking As A Family


I am thankful for making dinner as a family.  The three of us get involved in different ways.  Lee and I do the bulk of the cooking and we find easy things for Bean to do...she LOVES to help!  It is a great time because, not only do we get to spend time together for a little bit during our day, but with everyone helping and splitting up the work, it doesn't seem to be an overwhelming task for anyone.  Have to love those family dinner nights!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thankful - Family Adventure Day


I am thankful for what we like to call Family Adventure Day.  It is basically a day where Lee, Lilly and I go out as a family and do something fun.  Today was Family Adventure Day and we had a doozie!

First, we had breakfast at Al's (and, of course, Lilly still hasn't stopped talking about the Minnie pancake they made her).  Then, we were off to Sea Life at Mall of America where we saw sting rays and sharks and eels (oh, my!).  After a few laps around the mall (including Lindt chocolate and a quick nap from Lilly), we hit up the Amazing Mirror Maze (thank you, Groupon).  It was way more difficult to get through than I thought it would be, but it was worth the $8 I paid for the three of us to go.  Before we left, we shared a Cinnabon (which before we even saw, Lilly exclaimed, "I smell something delicious!").  It was tasty.  After MOA, we hit up IKEA (always an adventure in itself).  We got a few things and then headed down for a quick visit with visit Aunt Tammy and Uncle Tony and Rosie and Chasey.  Soon, we were back on the road headed to visit Grandma and Papa before FINALLY getting home.  We spent about 14 hours out and about today for Family Adventure Day.

Why am I thankful for them?  Because it forces me to be creative with finding things that we will all three enjoy without spending a bunch of money.  Besides, I get to spend ALL DAY with the two people I love the most.  I wouldn't trade these days for anything :)


Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankful - Post-Tantrum Hugs


I am thankful for the end of tearful two year old tantrums and the hugs and cuddles that follow.  They make you realize that you can really make it through tough moments raising a child and get the good stuff in the end.  Bean had the worst tantrum she has ever had tonight (including hitting, kicking, scratching AND spitting...which she NEVER DOES), but we made it through it (all three of us!) and things are okay now.  Thank goodness for those hugs and kisses...


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful - Paying It Forward


I'm thankful for being given the opportunity and ability to do a good deed and pay it forward.  After eating dinner alone at a bar before meeting my family for a football game downtown, I was putting my extras in my car when I was approached by a gentleman saying, "Ma'am," and trying to get my attention.  As he came closer, he said, "I'm not a bad guy" probably assuming I was worried, as I was alone and it was getting dark.  I shut my door and walked toward him.  He told me a story I'd heard a million times...he had "taken a bus from Kansas City" and needed" $22 to get to the shelter" and was there anything I could spare.  Being honest, I told him I had only credit cards and that I was sorry I couldn't help him.  He looked at my car and asked about my leftovers.  I immediately said, "OF COURSE!", opened my car, grabbed them and gave them to him.  He smiled as I apologized for not having more to give him.  He thanked me and I told him good luck in getting where he needed to be.

As I walked away, I was happy that I could actually help someone.  On the other hand, it was probably the first time I had heard "that" story and wished that I had some cash to actually give the man.  Most times, if you don't have money, they don't want anything to do with you.  However, him asking for my extra tugged on my heart strings and made me realize that there are people out there with "those" stories that are actually legit.  I'm so lucky that I am fortunate enough to be able to have leftovers to be able to give someone and I hope that I continue to be that lucky and get to do things like that.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful - Cookie Wednesday


I am thankful for Cookie Wednesday.  This blog has Cookie in the title, so obviously, I am a fan of the sweet treat.  At work, a group of us have this rotating "bring-in-cookies" club.  We call it Cookie Wednesday and it is a highlight of the week.  Today was my day to bring in cookies, so I made Chocolate Chip Cookies with an Oreo sandwiched in them.  I also made Samoas Bars, but they didn't taste like Samoas.  Both were delightful.  Sometimes, in the middle of the week, you just need a cookie to perk up your day.  I can really say that when I leave my job in a few weeks, I will miss Cookie Wednesday a whole lot!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankful - Foot Rubs


I am thankful for foot rubs.  Lee takes good care of me.  He knows I love my feet rubbed.  He is great at giving some great and LONG foot rubs.  I am one lucky gal.  Nothing beats a good foot rubbin' after a really long day.  Wait until I'm on my feet all day at my new job...


Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful - Warm Bathes


I am thankful for warm bathes!  Our tub isn't very deep (and the overflow drain is very slow), so taking bathes hasn't been very great for me.  I couldn't put much water in, so even with hot water, I got cold pretty quickly.  Lee came home today with something called the Bottomless Bath (he was very excited to find it for only $3.86 at Menards this week) and, while I was skeptical, it totally worked!  It was the best bath that I've had in a long time and it was super nice to finally be able to relax...covered in warm water...and not freezing! Thank you, honey, and thank you Bottomless Bath *wink*


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankful - Service Members


I'm going to go holiday typical and say that today, I am thankful for the women and men who serve this country in one of our military branches.  We are very lucky for those that put their lives on the line.  Thank you.  Happy Veterans Day.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankful - Shopping Trips with Mom


I am thankful for shopping trips with Mom.  Sometimes we get great deals and sometimes, like today, we come home empty-handed.  However, either way, we always have a great time looking and gossiping.  It has to be one of my favorite things...especially this time of year...since Starbucks is often involved in our holiday shopping!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Thankful - My Family


I am thankful for my loving, accepting family.  No matter what any of us does, we are always there for each other...backing each other up...picking up the pieces...whatever.  I just realize after the last few days JUST HOW FORTUNATE I am to have been born into the family I was.  *hugs*  Thank you, family!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful - Starbucks


This may be shallow, but I am thankful for Starbucks coffee.  Sometimes, a Grande Nonfat Caramel Macchiato picks you right up.  And Verona Roast?  Delicious!  Sometimes you just need to be thankful for something silly and small :)


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful - MN Voting No


I am thankful for the great State of Minnesota voting down the Minnesota Same-Sex Marriage Amendment yesterday.  Baby steps for those out there it truly affects!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful - Right to Vote


I am thankful today that I have been given the opportunity to exercise my right as an American citizen to vote.  It is something I take seriously and do each time I am able because I really feel like if you have the ability to vote, but you choose not to exercise that right, you can't complain about how things are going for the next four years (or whatever amount of time).


Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful - Friendly DMV Workers


I am thankful for the friendly people at the DMV.  They always get a bad rap on TV and in the movies (the cranky/mean people at the DMV...), but every time I have to go, they are always pleasant.  The lady today was very cheery, and after a rough day, it was much appreciated.  It may sound silly, but it makes me happy.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful - Sunday Football


I am thankful for Sunday football.  I love my Minnesota Vikings and Lee loves his *barf* Green Bay Packers *barf* and Lilly loves whichever team seems to get her what she wants at the time!  Around our house, however, Sunday football comes with resting (for the most part) and hanging with my family.  One of my favorite things during this time of year is chilling on the couch and cheering on the Vikes.  Win or lose, they are still my team and I am thankful for them playing on Sunday (or Monday or Thursday...).

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful - Lilly


I am so incredibly thankful that I have my Lilly.  She has got to be one of the coolest kids I know and I get to hang out with her every single day.  Yes, she can make me want to pull my hair out, but she is 2.5 years old. She is super amazing and spending all day with her today...just us (for the most part) reminds me how special she is and how fortunate I am that I was blessed with her as a daughter.  She is very sweet and smart, but so stubborn and bull-headed, just like her mama.  We had the best day today and sometime you just need those days...with the little moments...with the giggles and the tears...with the sparkle and shine in their eyes for the littlest remind you how great kiddos are.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful - Lee


I'm thankful for my great husband.  He is always there for me when I need him (as a husband should be!).  He supports me in all I choose to do, whether it is running races, going back to school, etc.  While we bicker from time to time, we always end up stronger and happier.  So, thank you, Lee.  I love you forever and ever and I am so thankful to have you in my life.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful - Not Having Knee Tears

I'm going to try to blog every single day this month.  In an effort to do so, I'm going to share something I am thankful for each least until Thanksgiving.


I'm thankful that the doctor told me my knee issues are probably not MCL/ACL/PCL tears and probably not a torn meniscus!!!  I'm thankful that it is probably just "patellofemoral syndrome with generalized core muscle weakness".  Some PT and I should be good to go!

I also wanted to share one of the coolest things that has been said to me in a while.  The nurse got done taking my pulse, looks at me and says, "You're a runner, aren't you?"  I stopped for a minute, looked at her and said, "I pretend to be...why?"  She said based on pulse, she can tell the people who have better cardiovascular health/endurance than those who don't do anything.  I just kind of smiled and said thanks.

Gave me warm heart.

Have a great night!


Monthly Recap: October

  1. Run 500 Miles in 2012
    • October was not nearly where in needed to be.  I ran a total of about 27.5 miles, therefore bringing my 2012 mileage total to 364/500.  That means I have 136 miles to go...  With only two months left, I need to run 68 miles a month.  Gotta pump up those number of runs/miles each week!
  2. Run a 10k
  3. Run a Half Marathon
  4. Complete a Duathlon
  5. Complete (at least) 12 Races
    • I did 1 race this month (Monster Dash Half Marathon) my 2012 race total moves to 11/12!  Just one left to complete this goal!
  6. Hit my Goal Weight of 130
    • Not happening
  7. Be a Better Mom
    • Patience...and making time for my Bean :)
  8. Be a Better Wife
    • Awww, yeah! :)
  9. Be a Better Friend
    • I'm trying :)
  10. Be a Great Bridesmaid
  11. Get Into Nursing School (Failed...)
  12.  Get a House
  13. Pay Off a Student Loan
    • We are still making gains, but probably won't achieve this one
  14. Dress Better to Feel Better
    • Still doing it...
  15. Floss More
    • October was perfect!

PS...this marks my 200th blog post!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012 Monster Dash Half Marathon

Saturday was the last Team Ortho event for the 2012 season.  It was the end of the Team Ortho Monster Series that Jason and I signed up to do together last November.  It was the Monster Dash Half Marathon…my third half marathon…

Lee and I woke up early and I was very happy that I had gotten things ready the night before.  I had one last check of all of my gear and we were out the door into the icy cold morning.  We stopped at Panera to get me a bagel (we didn’t have much I could eat in the house) and then we were headed out to Downtown St. Paul.  I was really excited that Lee was coming to “watch” me, even if I repeatedly told him he didn’t have to be there.  Going into the race with a couple week ongoing knee injury and being at the worst point of being sick, I knew it was going to be a rough race and knowing he was there was going to help me.  We got there, got things ready, and headed up to the Cathedral near the start of the race.  We hit up the potties a few times (yes…a few times) and then Jason and I said goodbye to Lee and headed to the start to wait with the thousands of other runners.

Freezing Our Asses Off With Our Sweats Still On!

Eventually, the gun went off and 9:28 later we were starting our race.  We kept to roughly a 10 minute per mile pace for the first 5k and then Jason broke off to use the potty again.  My knee was starting to go numb by then, so I kept running.  He said he’d catch up to me.  By mile 5, he hadn’t caught up to me and I had to pee, so I pit stopped.  The line was relatively short, so I figured it would be quick…

I was wrong.  The events of mile 9 of the Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon came back to haunt me…but even earlier and even worse!  10 to 15 minutes later, it was finally my turn to go (after I had watched just about every pace group pass by).  30 seconds later I was out of there and on my way.  Just like LMHM, I couldn’t pick it back up.  I was able to run for a while, but then I'd have to walk.  I was having some issues (which I will explain later), so that, along with being sick, kept me from having a good race.  I kept ahead of the 2 hour 45 minute goal pacer for quite a while, but eventually, I couldn't force myself to keep jogging.

As I previously mentioned some "issues"...  I will say that I experienced one of the scariest moments during this race that I ever have...scary to the point where I almost visited the medical tent and pulled myself from the race...  Around mile 6, my nose started to run (just like I was…haha!) and so, being the well-prepared gal I am, I reached into my running belt to get a tissue.  Problem!  I could barely pinch the zipper to open my belt and then it was awful trying to actually dig in there to get a tissue.  I realized then that I was having some trouble getting my fingers to work.  They wouldn’t pinch/grab.  I had to concentrate quite hard and tell them to work…literally, out loud, saying, “Fingers pinch hard.  Open fingers.”  It was really scary.  Truth is, being sick, I hadn’t been eating much leading up to the race.  Friday, I had very little to eat all day and I thought that it was that coming back to haunt me (I did know better than that…hungry or not).  I didn’t know for sure if it was the cold weather or a lack of salt/minerals/something in my body.  I do know that when I got to the 8.5 mile and the kind gentleman handed me a HammerGel and I almost dropped it because I couldn’t grasp, I was really worried.  I tried working my fingers, ignoring them, anything to get me to the end of the race.

I knew that Lee was at the end waiting for me, so I had to get there.  Eventually, despite some of the worst calf cramping that I have EVER had near the end (in addition to everything else), I saw the finish line and ran for it.  I crossed it, got my medal, food bag and water, and hobbled in search of Lee.  As soon as we saw each other, I hobbled to the curb and sat down.  I told him (in a mighty shortened version) about what had happened and soon after got up and headed for the car (might I add, pure torture since it was partially uphill...glad we didn't park by the Cathedral...even more uphill!).

Anyway, my official time:

It is what it is.  The Minneapolis Half was even worse, so at least I still was under 3 hours...*sigh*

Our Last Point-At-Medal Team Ortho 2012 End-Of-Race Picture

Regardless, Jason and I finished our series.  It was a good year.  Would I ever do the series again?  I don't know.  While I enjoyed it, three of the Team Ortho races run a bit of the same courses.  While they are generally well done and the swag and medals are great, things get to be a bit repetetive.

Will I run another half?  I am supposed to run one next May with Jason, but we will see what the doctor says when I head in tomorrow.  Yes, I am finally going to see the doctor about my knee...

Will keep you posted!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sick? Really?

I’ve got a bum knee (which I WILL test tonight!) and now I’m coming down with some sort of cold (or some type of illness…headache-y, earache-y, snotty, sore throat-y…).  Can I catch a break?  Geez…

Anyway, in preparing for the Monster Dash Half on Saturday, I realized that I most definitely need some new jams for my running playlist.  I put a call out to my Facebook friends and, so far, here is what I’ve gotten:
  • Rack City – Tyga
  • Hold On – Wilson Phillips
  • It Was A Good Day – Ice Cube
  • Ho Hey – The Lumineers
  • All I Do Is Win – T-Pain
  • Starship – Nikki Minaj
  • Pound The Alarm – Nikki Minaj
  • Anything Could Happen – Ellie Goulding
  • This Girl Is On Fire – Alicia Keys
  • Real – Alter Bridge
  • Right Now – Van Halen
  • Dreams – Van Halen
  • Uprising – Muse
  • Impend – Marty O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori
  • Swing – Savage and Soulja Boy
  • Outta Your Mind – Lil’ John and LMFAO
  • I Need A Doctor – Eminem
  • One More Night – Maroon 5
  • Step By Step – New Kids on the Block
  • Me So Horny – 2 Live Crew
  • Survivor – Destiny’s Child
  • Train – 50 Ways To Say Goodbye
  • Passion Pit
  • XX
  • P.O.S.
  • Foo Fighters new album

Anybody out there have some more recommendations?  Help a gal out!!!

Cross your fingers that I get better rather than worse.  See you out there runnin'!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Update Shmupdate

In five days I will be running the Monster Dash Half Marathon.  It will be the fifth and final race in me and Jason's 2012 Monster Race Series and my third half marathon.  I was totally pumped for months...knowing that I would definitely PR for this one...get in under 2:30 even!  Now, I'm getting more and more worried.

My knee has been bad.  And I don't mean my normal nagging pain...I mean pretty bad.  I've had some trouble lately with it buckeling and just general pain.  Saturday evening, after our housewarming party and being on my feet all day, I could barely hobble to the couch to put it up.  I was supposed to do a 5-8 mile run with Jason on Sunday morning, but I was just too scared and my knee was still bugging me.  Lee thinks I tore something and should see a doctor.  Coming from the guy who has had two knee surgeries (ACL and meniscus) I listen?  I'm thinking that I wait until Monday to make an appointment.  There is NO WAY that I'm chancing being told I cannot run on Saturday.

Here is my attack plan for this week:
  • Run a few 3-5 milers
  • Chill out with my knee up
  • Do a little heat and ice
  • Eat well to help combat the lack of running
I'm still super hopeful that I will do decent in this race, but we will see.  I'll make sure I am prepped great the night before and super ready to just go in the morning, so I can be in downtown St. Paul well before the 8:30 start.  I am confident that I can force myself to at least do better than when I was injured and on my deathbed for the Minneapolis Half Marathon, eh?

Wish me luck and all that jazz.  We are looking at 45° F for a high on I'm sure the early morning will be nice and frosty.  I need to go purchase a new pair of running capris since my old ones are far too big. we go.  Countdown begins!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Knee Problems

I'm having them...and I don't know what to do...

Keep on trying to truck with my training schedule for the Monster Dash Half in two weeks?


Take it easy with my run schedule, so I can actually run the Monster Dash Half in two weeks?

Why can't I just not have crappy joints...???


Monday, October 1, 2012

Monthly Recap: September

  1. Run 500 Miles in 2012
    • September was a little better than the past few months, in regards to milage.  I ran a total of about 40 miles (I underestimate), therefore bringing my 2012 mileage total to 336.5/500.  Only 163.5 miles to go!  With only three months to go, I need to pump it up and run about 55 miles a month.
  2. Run a 10k
  3. Run a Half Marathon
  4. Complete a Duathlon
  5. Complete (at least) 12 Races
    • I did 1 race this month (Women Run the Cities) my 2012 race total moves to 10/12!
  6. Hit my Goal Weight of 130
    • Not happening
  7. Be a Better Mom
    • Patience is being tried this last month...whew...two year old.
  8. Be a Better Wife
    • Getting there :)
  9. Be a Better Friend
    • September was a really, really busy I need to work on this a bit more.
  10. Be a Great Bridesmaid
  11. Get Into Nursing School (Failed...)
  12.  Get a House
    • DONE AND DONE!!!
  13. Pay Off a Student Loan
    • Doesn't look like this will be happneing...but we are still making gains!
  14. Dress Better to Feel Better
    • Still doing it...
  15. Floss More
    • Almost 100% in September...only had enough yesterday to do my top teeth...literally...a two inch piece...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2012 Women Run the Cities 10 Mile

On Sunday, I woke up bright and early after our first night in the new house and buzzed out the door into the freezing cold.  My first 10 mile race was here: Women Run the Cities 10 Mile!

I got down to Minnehaha Park with plenty of extra time.  I got the best possible parking spot and ate a little Chobani for my breakfast.  I hadn't had time (with moving the days before) to pick up my packet, so I jumped out of the car and ran to do that.  It was only 32 degrees F it really was freezing!  After I got my stuff, I ran back to my car to decide what to wear and prep for the race.  Luckily, I had thrown on some gear, but grabbed a bunch of extra items, since I wasn't exactly sure what the weather would be like.  I settled on capri pants (that I haven't worn in FOREVER), my pink tank that I normally wear for races and my pick zip-up.  I was freezing to start, but was worried I would get too hot , but decided to go for it.  I ran to pee and then headed to the starting line.  I found the 10:30/min pacer and popped in around her and waited.  Soon, the National Anthem was sung and the race started.

In no time at all, I was across the starting line, trying to settle into a nice pace.  I will say this about pacers...I FREAKIN' LOVE THEM (most of the time)!  I have had pretty good experience with pacers in the longer races I have run.  I have seen them where they just run (at least close to) a steady pace for whatever their designated time is...fairly silent the entire time other than giving timing counts at the mile markers.  I have also seen them where they totally pump up their group.  This was the case of the 10:30 pacer for this race.  I don't recall her name (I believe it was Becky...), but she was checking on people, encouraging us, making comments about the weather and running and even making jokes every now and then.  Around mile 5, there is a giant climb of about a hundred feet.  She really helped to push everyone up it, telling us that it was the hardest part of the race and we'd be done going up in two minutes and ready to go slightly downhill.  She was really great.  She helped a lot of ladies get through those miles and she really helped get me through the hardest part of that race.  I was able to stick with the ground until mile 7, when my knee had to have a little walk break, but she really did get me to that point.

Anyway, I did alright up until that point, but then had a few walk breaks after that.  They were short, but they were there.  When I got to about a quarter mile from the finish, I told myself (internally) that I would walk to the next little bridge and then run the rest of the way.  Well, I took two steps walking and some lady told me not to stop, that I could do it, that I was almost there...and with that I ran with her the rest of the way.  Some random stranger pushed me to finish the race and I am super grateful for that random stranger.  :)

Apparently, my body wasn't 100% after moving the last week (especially on Saturday).   I did what I could, though, and while I'm not thrilled, I still finished ahead of the 11:00/mile pacer, which was my goal.

Official time: 1:47:15

After the race, I met up with my brother, who had served as a bike marshal for the race, and we grabbed lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings.  It was nice to spend a bit of time with him one on one.  After lunch, I buzzed home to find my sweetie pies crashed on the couch with the tv playing my favorite NFL team creaming the 49ers :)  Life is good.

My One and Only Picture from Race Day


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Little Health-Type Update

Things, as you can see from my last post, have been quite busy lately.  We close on our house this morning...still can't believe, my time has been filled with packing and cleaning and paperwork and prepping and yada yada yada.  Very little time for my lovely little blog...(I'M SORRY!)  I thought, however, that a little update is due...ya know...something with my health in it, eh?

I have a 10 mile race on Sunday (the day after we are moving into the new house).  I'm running the Women Run the Cities 10 Mile and it should be a good time.  I'm hoping the race has pacers, so I can keep myself on track to finishing where I hope to finish and not going out to fast or ending too slow.

Training has been going alright.  Log runs have gone well until the 9 mile run I had this past Sunday, which went awful.  This week will be...meh, at best...just because I will be at the house painting/cleaning every night this week, so fitting in my training runs will be difficult.  We will see how it goes.

I had a doctor appointment last week and I am very healthy.  Nurse's comment to me: "'re just melting away, aren't you!?!"  My doctor said if she could bottle my motivation and sell it, she would be rich.  Little does she know...


Monday, September 17, 2012

Big News

Tomorrow, after 3.5 years of hunting and ups and downs, Lee and I will finally become homeowners.

I keep getting the same question…

“Are you excited?!?!?”

The answer?  Not really.  Truthfully, I think we have been up and down so many times over the years we have been going at it, I am having trouble believing that this is FINALLY it.  I think maybe that tomorrow, when all is said and done, when we have signed our lives away, when all the paperwork is complete, when we get our keys and enter our home for the first time ever…THEN…I will be excited.

After painting this week after work and an all-day paint-a-thon on Friday, we are moving in on Saturday.

The one emotion I can pull out of everything I feel?  Nervousness.

I’m nervous about Lilly.  I’m nervous about her having trouble adjusting to not having Grammy and Papa there all the time to hang out with and spoil her rotten. Granted, they will still only be a few miles away (oh, sorry…2.5 miles, driveway to driveway), I’m still worried about how she will do with the separation (same with my mom!).  I think lots of visits will be in order, especially for the first few weeks.

This past week has been Hell with the maybe's and possibly's...but it is official (pending final walk-through) that we are closing tomorrow!

Here's to a new adventure for the Vanden Busch clan!!!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

So, You Had a Bad Day

Today was emotionally tough.

I don't usually talk about this, but to avoid thinking and get some sleep, I'm taking my Ambien and going to bed before 8:00 p.m.

*cough* Grandma *cough*


Friday, September 7, 2012

Figure Friday 9.7.12

Back on the horse???  I'm trying!
Not too shabby, but I'm going to try to stick with it now!
The Great Minnesota Get Together is over and I'm happy I was able to keep myself somewhat in check.  My fitness has taken a bit of a dive, but I'm working to get it back.  I have a 10 mile race in two weeks.  I can do it!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Monthly Recap: August

  1. Run 500 Miles in 2012
    • During August, I ran a total of 17.5 miles ( better, KT), therefore bringing my 2012 mileage total to 296.5/500.  Only 203.5 miles to go!  With only four (!!!) months to go, I need to run about 50 miles a month!
  2. Run a 10k
  3. Run a Half Marathon
  4. Complete a Duathlon
  5. Complete (at least) 12 Races
    • I did 1 races this month (Duathlon) my 2012 race total moves to 9/12!
  6. Hit my Goal Weight of 130
    • Nope
  7. Be a Better Mom
    • Still working on patience...
  8. Be a Better Wife
    • Working on communication
  9. Be a Better Friend
    • Working on making time for my friends :)
  10. Be a Great Bridesmaid
  11. Get Into Nursing School (Failed...)
  12.  Get a House
    • So close!
  13. Pay Off a Student Loan
    • Slowly, but surely...though this one is looking like it may not exactly happen...
  14. Dress Better to Feel Better
    • Still doing it...but is it working???
  15. Floss More
    • 100% in August!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2012 Minneapolis Duathlon

Sunday was the Minneapolis Duathlon.  Got up bright and early, threw my hair up, hopped in the car and buzzed down to meet Jason in Minneapolis.  We got our crap together, made sure our bikes were working, jumped on our bikes and headed across the Stone Arch Bridge to get our stuff ready in the transition area.  We got there, found some spots, got our stuff set up, hit the potties and headed to the start.

It is funny because I wasn't nervous.  I don't know if it was because I knew I hadn't trained like I should have or if it was just because I was looking to have fun and just do it.  The weather was pretty great, too, so that was nice.

The course was set to be a 5k run, 15 mile bike, 5k run.  Well, it turned out to be more like a 5k run, 16ish mile bike, 5k run.  The first run was fine.  I was pacing myself way to fast at first (despite repeatedly telling myself to hold to about a 10 min/mile).  I ran the first mile in 9:15 and was at 18:50 at the second mile mark.  I knew if I didn't slow it down, I would be in trouble.  I was able to chill out a bit and ended up finishing the first 5k in 31:32 (10:09 pace).

I hit the transition area and HAD TO PEE, so I did that, slammed my Gatorade prime, ate a few Shot Bloks (side note: Margarita flavor = awful!) and took off on my bike.  The course wasn't too bad.  It was my first time taking a long ride on my new-to-me bike, but it went well.  I got nervous a few times when the road got bumpy (there is a portion that is REALLY rough...), but it went okay.  Many people followed the rules and did the single-file line thing and were good about keeping to the right when you passed them, but there were others who just did whatever they wanted.  *sigh*  You can only do what you can do.  Anyway, back to the transition area after I finished my "15 mile bike" (actually, over 16 miles) in 1:00:30, which is better than I had expected.

When I got back to the bike rack, there was no place to put my bike.  People just threw their bikes wherever they wanted, including on top of my bag, so I had to muscle a spot for my stuff.  I couldn't, however, get to my bag, so I couldn't get my gel.  I ate up some valuable time in there, so I just had to take off without it.  Starting the second 5k, I knew I didn't have a whole lot left, but decide that I would at least run across the first bridge before walking.  My legs were jello, but I kept it slow-ish and they loosened up a bit.  After the bridge, I told myself that I could make it to the first mile marker before the Stone Arch Bridge. I got there and told myself that I could make it across the bridge before walking.  Then, I said I would run until a certain time, then it was the 2 mile mark, then it was just to keep going.  I couldn't believe that I made it that far, but was excited to keep going, when BAM...pain ripped through my left knee.  It felt like I had a golf ball-sized knot in my inner knee.  It was awful and I could barely walk, let alone run.  I rubbed it out as best I could and started running again.  The pain got pretty intense again, so with tears in my eyes, I had to walk for a bit.  Then, I called myself a pansy and told myself I had to finish out the run, as I was almost there.  I crossed the finish line for the second 5k in 36:03...a pace of 11:40...but at least I finished it.

The Official Race Breakdown

After I crossed the finish line, I got my medal, my water and Powerade, and my food bag and hobbled over out of the way to try to work out my knee.  I met up with my brother and we chatted for a while about the race, then eventually we headed to grab our bikes and gear, and it was back to the cars to head home.

Our Token Photo (Stolen from Jason since I forgot my camera...)

My two biggest gripes with this race were:

  • The road for a part of the bike was trashed.  I was actually worried that my bike would snap in two and I would have to walk my bike to the finish...  I know there isn't much they can do about it, but sucked.
  • The lack of enforcing the so-called rules.  They said they would be watching for people riding two or three wide and not single file.  I had a TON of trouble trying to get around these people, despite yelling "on the left" as I went by.  Also, they said they would watch for drafting.  I feel like I carried my fair share of people along for a while.  AND MOST IRRITATING...they said that there was ABSOLUTELY NO HEADPHONES ALLOWED...but about 1 in 6 people had them!  I was jealous of those who had them for the run...totally jealous...but I was really worried when I'd try to pass someone with headphones on a bike, since a few people almost took me out!  *sigh*  Do better, Team Ortho...

Overall, it was a fun race.  I'm not sure that I will keep running Team Ortho races after this year.  While the gear is great, the races are really pricey and the courses generally are repeated a lot.  We will have to see...


Friday, August 17, 2012

Truths (Excuses...Excuses...)

  • My last blog post was on 8/1/12.  That is 16 days ago.  The last one before that was on 7/23/12.  Do better, Kate, do better...
  • Life has been quite busy this month and things are looking to slow down soon.
    • Lee and my four year anniversary was on the 2nd.  We grabbed dinner together, but that was about it.
    • A great friend got married last weekend and we had a great time being part of it.  I will make a post about that (I PROMISE) very soon.
    • Bean got hurt on Sunday almost had to bring her to the ER at bedtime.  She decided to jump through a hulu hoop at the coffee table, mouth first.  Tooth went into lip.  Blood everywhere.  Hysterics.  She is healing (even better than I am!)
    • Tuesday was "Bake Like an Animal - Round 1" for the State Fair Creative Activies Contests.  I had to make brownies and tried my hand at canning for the first time (pepper jelly).  Had to submit it Wednesday.
    • Bean had a pre-op appointment last night (she is having tubes put in on Monday).  Went well and her lip is fine, too!
    • Tomorrow is "Bake Like an Animal - Round 2" for the Fair as I have four more items to submit on Sunday.  I'm also doing a training run-bike-run with my brother.  We will see how that goes.
    • Sunday is drop off day at the Fair
    • Monday is Bean's surgery, so I get to take a day off work and watch movies with her all day (Can I get a "Little Einsteins" up in here?!?)
    • THURSDAY IS THE START OF THE GREAT MINNESOTA STATE FAIR!!!  I AM SO EXCITED!!!  Corn dogs and Tonic Sol Fa and cream puffs and Wilson Phillips and cheese curds and free bags and wild rice cheeseburgers and Little Farm Hands and All The Milk You Can Drink and more!  And this fun goes through Labor Day!!!
    • Minneapolis Duathlon is on Sunday the 26th.  My wave starts at 7:26 a.m.
    • There is some other stuff thrown in there, too!
    • Oh, yeah...and work has been SUPER busy...
  • That is about all I have for now.  I promise to try to write more.  Key word is try.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monthly Recap: July

  1. Run 500 Miles in 2012
    • During July, I ran a total of 13.25 miles (, therefore bringing my 2012 mileage total to 279/500.  Only 221 miles to go!  With only five months to go, I really need to step things up and run about 45 miles a month!
  2. Run a 10k
  3. Run a Half Marathon
  4. Complete a Duathlon
    • I'm registered for one this month!
  5. Complete (at least) 12 Races
    • I did 1 races this month (Color Run) my 2012 race total moves to 8/12!
  6. Hit my Goal Weight of 130
    • Nope
  7. Be a Better Mom
    • Still working on patience...
  8. Be a Better Wife
    • Working on communication
  9. Be a Better Friend
    • Working on making time for my friends :)
  10. Be a Great Bridesmaid
    • Working on it...wish there was more I could do...hmmm...
  11. Get Into Nursing School (Failed...)
  12.  Get a House
    • Working on it... :)
  13. Pay Off a Student Loan
    • Working on it...slowly, but surely...though this one is looking like it may not exactly happen...
  14. Dress Better to Feel Better
    • Still doing it...but is it working???
  15. Floss More
    • 100% in July!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Du Training Day 3: Complete!

So hot!  Wish I would have worked out sooner, but I had a lovely breakfast date this morning, so a later training session, it was.

Ran 2.25 miles on the treadmill in 21:24 (9:28 pace)
Biked 13.66 miles in 1:00:01 (13.66 mph pace)
Ran 2 miles on the treadmill in 19:13 (9:33 pace)
Walked .5 mile on the treadmill in 8:30

A little ab work to round it out and lunch!  It was a great workout and I did better than I thought I would (especially since I REALLY didn't want to do it).  Finishing a workout is even sweeter when you had to FORCE yourself to do it in the first place, isn't it?


Friday, July 20, 2012

Figure Friday 7.20.12

Proof that one salty, delicious meal...can toss an entire week of eating great under the bus.

Damn you Gabe's $2.99 burger for lunch yesterday!!!  CURSES!!!

It is what it is.  I know I shouldn't have eaten it, but it was good and I fully accept that the scale is showing it this morning.  I'm a little bloaty from the sodium, so I know that is probably part of it.

Last night, I made chicken breast rolls and stuffed chicken breast with spinach and curry feta.  They were delicious.  Lee grilled them and we ate them with rice and beans.  Super good!

That is all for now.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Color Run

Sunday, Lee and I ventured to the Minnesota State Fair grounds for the Color Run.  Lee was injured (recovering from surgery), so we took it easy and had some fun!  I was going to do my usual post-race blog write up, but this was a little different than the usual race, so I give you...PICTURES!!!

Pre-Race Self-Taken Shot
Look How Clean We Are!

What Race Are We Doing, Again?

Action Shot!

First Color Zone Ahead

Orange Zone: Complete!

Post-Orange, -Yellow, and -Pink  Color Zone Action Shot

Blue Zone: Straight Ahead!

Looking Back At The Blue Zone...BEST ZONE!!!

Post-Blue Zone!!!

Almost To The Finish

Tons Of Color On The Ground

Happy (and Colorful) Together!

Post-Color Explosion!

Color Explosion Crowd

Thumbs Up!

So Cool!

He Looks Like He Is Holding My Arm Captive

So THAT Is Why I Had Blue Stains On My Face For Days...

The End!


The End of an Era...


(even though it should say withdrawal...)


Monday, July 16, 2012

Du Training Day 2: Complete!

I have made Monday my Du Training Day, since it is my day off.  I am really happy with my workout today:

Ran 2 miles on the treadmill in 19:15 (9:34 pace)
Biked 12.5 miles in 56:15 (13.4 mph pace)
Ran 1.25 miles on the treadmill in 11:59 (9:30 pace)
Walked 1 mile on the treadmill in 18:04

It is hot out and sunny.  Yikes!  According to dailymile, I lost 991 calories (without the walk...which put me over 1,000).  That makes me feel a little better about this past weekend, but that is a different post...

The first run felt pretty good.  I was a little tired, but it went well.  I figure if I can keep up some speed right now during training, when I tone things back a bit and slow down, it should be a little easier (I hope!).

The bike was decent.  I took a route with lots of rolling hills...and I suck at hills.  However, for being the second time on the went well enough.

The second run I was just wishing were over because I was so hot and sweaty and had jelly legs from biking.  I pushed myself, though, and I'm glad I did.  Once I build things up endurance, my stamina, my muscle memory...I WILL be able to do this thing.

I feel great now that it is done!  Time for some ab work, a shower, more water/Gatorade and LUNCH!!!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Figure Friday 7.13.12

Thank goodness!  I was really hoping at least some of that gain was some sort of water weight.

4.6 pounds to lose in four weeks is a lot more managable than 8.8 pounds.

I've eaten really well this week, done ab work every morning (trust hurts to move...) and I biked/ran on Monday and had a really good 3.25 mile run last night on the treadmill.

I can do this.

Holy, thunder!  Shake the building!!!

Sorry, for that random outburst.  This storm is freaking me out a little bit.  It is REALLY dark outside and the lightening is going a bit crazy.  Like I said, thunder just rumbled my office building.  Yikes!

I'm glad I had a big loss this week.  It really helps to boost motivation...keep me going...  I will say, however, that this weekend, I would be surprised if I gained most of it back.  Lee and I are taking my dad to Fogo de Chão for an early birthday present.  Super excited!  And then tomorrow is Kali's Bachelorette Party!!!  SUPER, DUPER EXCITED!!!

Also, things have settled down a bit I will try to update a bit more.  I've got a couple things sitting in my draft box.  It is just hard to find time to write.  Fifty Shades of Grey has kind of taken over my free time (yes...I just admitted that...).  And, let's be honest, I'm almost done with Fifty Shades Darker.  So maybe once I finish Fifty Shades Freed, we can all be friends again, eh?


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

By The Way...

Just wanted to let you non-health realated news...

Katie V., CNA!!! Once again!

Cue happy dance!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Du Training Day 1: Complete!

I would say I am satisfied with what I did!

Biked 4.54 miles to the beach in 21:00
Ran 1.67 miles on the path in 17:12
Biked 4.66 miles from the beach in 23:00

I haven't biked in I don't know how that went alright.  I think my butt and legs will be sore tomorrow...  I got to the beach, locked up my bike, and took off jogging.  I went out on the trail through town, which was nice, but hot! The plan was to have a 2.5 mile run in the middle, but once I got about .5 mile in, I knew that my body was low on fuel and I still had to bike home (apparently, half of a PowerBar and some coffee three hours earlier won’t sustain you…what???).  I was still happy with the milage I did put under my feet.  Then, I chilled in the park for a bit.  After I cooled off just a bit, I hopped back on the bike and headed home.

Here I am, eating a turkey burger and getting ready to go for a swim.  I know I will be sore tomorrow, but I'm glad I got Day 1 out of the way.

Beautiful Day at the Park at the Beach

Happy Monday!  Have a great one!