Sunday was the
Minneapolis Duathlon. Got up bright and early, threw my hair up, hopped in the car and buzzed down to meet
Jason in Minneapolis. We got our crap together, made sure our bikes were working, jumped on our bikes and headed across the Stone Arch Bridge to get our stuff ready in the transition area. We got there, found some spots, got our stuff set up, hit the potties and headed to the start.
It is funny because I wasn't nervous. I don't know if it was because I knew I hadn't trained like I should have or if it was just because I was looking to have fun and just do it. The weather was pretty great, too, so that was nice.
The course was set to be a 5k run, 15 mile bike, 5k run. Well, it turned out to be more like a 5k run, 16ish mile bike, 5k run. The first run was fine. I was pacing myself way to fast at first (despite repeatedly telling myself to hold to about a 10 min/mile). I ran the first mile in 9:15 and was at 18:50 at the second mile mark. I knew if I didn't slow it down, I would be in trouble. I was able to chill out a bit and ended up finishing the first 5k in 31:32 (10:09 pace).
I hit the transition area and HAD TO PEE, so I did that, slammed my Gatorade prime, ate a few
Shot Bloks (side note: Margarita flavor = awful!) and took off on my bike. The course wasn't too bad. It was my first time taking a long ride on my new-to-me bike, but it went well. I got nervous a few times when the road got bumpy (there is a portion that is REALLY rough...), but it went okay. Many people followed the rules and did the single-file line thing and were good about keeping to the right when you passed them, but there were others who just did whatever they wanted. *sigh* You can only do what you can do. Anyway, back to the transition area after I finished my "15 mile bike" (actually, over 16 miles) in 1:00:30, which is better than I had expected.
When I got back to the bike rack, there was no place to put my bike. People just threw their bikes wherever they wanted, including on top of my bag, so I had to muscle a spot for my stuff. I couldn't, however, get to my bag, so I couldn't get my gel. I ate up some valuable time in there, so I just had to take off without it. Starting the second 5k, I knew I didn't have a whole lot left, but decide that I would at least run across the first bridge before walking. My legs were jello, but I kept it slow-ish and they loosened up a bit. After the bridge, I told myself that I could make it to the first mile marker before the Stone Arch Bridge. I got there and told myself that I could make it across the bridge before walking. Then, I said I would run until a certain time, then it was the 2 mile mark, then it was just to keep going. I couldn't believe that I made it that far, but was excited to keep going, when BAM...pain ripped through my left knee. It felt like I had a golf ball-sized knot in my inner knee. It was awful and I could barely walk, let alone run. I rubbed it out as best I could and started running again. The pain got pretty intense again, so with tears in my eyes, I had to walk for a bit. Then, I called myself a pansy and told myself I had to finish out the run, as I was almost there. I crossed the finish line for the second 5k in 36:03...a pace of 11:40...but at least I finished it.
The Official Race Breakdown |
After I crossed the finish line, I got my medal, my water and Powerade, and my food bag and hobbled over out of the way to try to work out my knee. I met up with my brother and we chatted for a while about the race, then eventually we headed to grab our bikes and gear, and it was back to the cars to head home.
Our Token Photo (Stolen from Jason since I forgot my camera...) |
My two biggest gripes with this race were:
- The road for a part of the bike was trashed. I was actually worried that my bike would snap in two and I would have to walk my bike to the finish... I know there isn't much they can do about it, but sucked.
- The lack of enforcing the so-called rules. They said they would be watching for people riding two or three wide and not single file. I had a TON of trouble trying to get around these people, despite yelling "on the left" as I went by. Also, they said they would watch for drafting. I feel like I carried my fair share of people along for a while. AND MOST IRRITATING...they said that there was ABSOLUTELY NO HEADPHONES ALLOWED...but about 1 in 6 people had them! I was jealous of those who had them for the run...totally jealous...but I was really worried when I'd try to pass someone with headphones on a bike, since a few people almost took me out! *sigh* Do better, Team Ortho...
Overall, it was a fun race. I'm not sure that I will keep running Team Ortho races after this year. While the gear is great, the races are really pricey and the courses generally are repeated a lot. We will have to see...