Monday, July 9, 2012

Du Training Day 1: Complete!

I would say I am satisfied with what I did!

Biked 4.54 miles to the beach in 21:00
Ran 1.67 miles on the path in 17:12
Biked 4.66 miles from the beach in 23:00

I haven't biked in I don't know how that went alright.  I think my butt and legs will be sore tomorrow...  I got to the beach, locked up my bike, and took off jogging.  I went out on the trail through town, which was nice, but hot! The plan was to have a 2.5 mile run in the middle, but once I got about .5 mile in, I knew that my body was low on fuel and I still had to bike home (apparently, half of a PowerBar and some coffee three hours earlier won’t sustain you…what???).  I was still happy with the milage I did put under my feet.  Then, I chilled in the park for a bit.  After I cooled off just a bit, I hopped back on the bike and headed home.

Here I am, eating a turkey burger and getting ready to go for a swim.  I know I will be sore tomorrow, but I'm glad I got Day 1 out of the way.

Beautiful Day at the Park at the Beach

Happy Monday!  Have a great one!


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