Thursday, July 5, 2012

I've Got Something To Say

I'm about to make a BOLD statement that may make me VERY unpopular.

Losing weight is NOT difficult.

Yes, you read that correctly.  And, yes, I am serious.  And, no, I am not bat crap crazy.

But give me a chance to explain...

Now, my husband completely disagrees with me.  I've told him my thoughts and he thinks that it isn't as easy as that for everyone.  He thinks most people have contributing factors.  Am I saying there isn't an exception?  No way.  I am well aware that there are people that have thyroid or hormonal issues or some disease that doesn't allow them to lose weight as easily as others.  I will say, however, that I believe that these people are rare cases and that most people just choose not to do it.

Losing weight is NOT difficult.


Being lazy is easy.

Motivating oneself is hard.

Eating delicious treats and nummies is easy.

Controlling cravings is hard.

The mathematical concept of losing weight is easy.

The factors of losing weight can be hard.

People say, "I want to lose weight.  I'm trying, but it isn't working.  I'm working out, but the weight isn't moving.  I'm counting calories, but I'm not losing any weight."

To be honest, if you wanting to lose weight doesn't just make it happen.  You have to actually be proactive with the entire process.  If you say you are counting calories, doing the math, creating a reasonable deficit and aren't losing weight, either your math is off or you are not counting accurately.  TRUST ME...I know that not including the little bite size chocolate bar here or the cup of juice there does does add up!  I've had days where I thought I did great, but then added up those little nibbles and extras here and there and it has been well over 500 calories!  And, let me just say, a 5k run does not equal a whole pizza.  Just because you have a good workout does not mean you have to replace ALL of those calories you've burned...and then some...  This is one of my worst habits.  I've gained weight in the days after races by "trying to give my body some extra calories that it lost in that race."

I know these excuses because I use them.  It has been a rough couple of weeks and I have been in a bit of a rut, so I've used that as my excuse... eat what I want... not really care about running or exercising... use every excuse I can think of about the weather/being tired/etc. for not running... just not care...

And my weight has just kind of hovered around 146...which is fine by me...but I want to get rid of my little squishy tummy thing.  Time for a mini goal.

140 by Kali and Sean's wedding.

That is about 6-7 pounds in 5 weeks

Possible?  Totally doable.  Can I meet it?  Maybe.  I'm going to try.  It will be hard to motivate, but actually losing the weight???  It is just math.

I need to jump start my running again.  I have a plan set up that starts next week for half marathon/marathon training.  I need to incorporate strength training and work on my core.

I hate counting calories and logging everything I eat, but it is effective in helping me lose the chub.  I will see if I can get back into the habit of doing it again...make LoseIt! my bestie once more.

Hitting 130 by the end of the year isn't going to happen if I don't just try a little, ya know???

Monday starts this thang once again.  Let's do this!!!


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