I am thankful for my new job. No, it hasn't officially started yet, but I couldn't be more excited about it. Every interaction I have had with anybody there has been great! They have all been super nice and greatly helpful. I had to go for my health screening, HR paperwork, and security clearance yesterday and it was a great experience. I am super thankful to finally be getting back into the healthcare field and in a hospital setting! My current position, which I've been in for 4.5 years...these past two weeks have been super stressful. Since I put my notice in, things have just gotten even...rougher... I will definitely miss seeing Kali every day, but I've already been promised we will remain friends (and I'm totally holding her to that!!!). NST @ FV...HERE I COME!!!
Of course we're still going to be friends. AND because we won't be spending all day together Monday through Friday, we will have to get together even more. Maybe we should find a halfway point between our houses and get some food or dranks. :)