Thursday, November 24, 2011

2011 Fast Before the Feast 5k

I got up bright and early on Thanksgiving Day.  My brother, Jason, picked me up at 6:15, as we had to go pick up Jen and head down to White Bear Lake to run the Fast Before the Feast 5k.  We got there early to pick up our packets and sat in the car getting ready and keeping was pretty cold out!  Eventually, the 10k took off so we hit up the port-a-potties and headed to the starting line.  After a few minutes of jumping in place and 3-way-slow-motion-explosion fist bumping (if you don't know what that is, I scoff at you *scoff*scoff*), it was our turn to take off on our excursion.

I stayed one pace with Jason for a bit and then wised up and realized he runs WAY too fast for me.  I then kept a few steps behind Jen, but also realized that I just needed to pace myself and run MY pace or I'd end up walking.  I had layered my new zip-up over my running shirt and had my earmuff thing on, since it was so chilly.  Around .5 miles in, I realized that this was a big mistake.  I was heating up really quickly, but just pushed my sleeves up as best I could and kept on going.

The run itself wasn't too bad.  It was mostly through a residential area (and there were quite a few people cheering the runners on...which is awesome).  It was a bit hilly, but it didn't kill me as bad as I thought.  The first marker I saw was at the two mile.  I looked down and saw that I was at 19:27, which is a great pace for me!  I got really excited and knew that if I kept it up, I would have a new personal record.  I had set out with a goal of beating 32 minutes, but this had me on par to even beat 31 minutes!  The elevation map of the course doesn't show it, but there was a LONG hill about the 2.5 mile mark uphill...ugh...thought I was going to die!  I figured this completely ruined me, but when I saw the finish line, as per usual, I sprinted!  As soon as I crossed the finish line, I looked stopped my iPod and took a look.

At first, I was THRILLED that I thrashed my old PR set a month earlier!  Then, I was totally bummed that I had been so close (yet not close enough) to meeting my 5k record of breaking 30 minutes.  After finding Jen and Jason, there were high-fives all around as all three of us beat the time we had hoped to beat at the race.  We went and got our bananas and headed home.

This was the first race I've been in that has been chip timed.  After I saw my official time, I was even more upset...but even more proud of myself.  I know that next time, I CAN BREAK 30!

So. Freakin. Close.

Is this a new tradition?  Perhaps.  Now, to train for the next race and get my 2012 goals in place...


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