Saturday, December 31, 2011


Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the forecast for Minneapolis is about 26°F (while is feels like 12°F), wind/flurries, 22+ MPH winds (I've heard between 25-50 MPH) and it is already snowing...

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be running my first race of 2012.

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be running the 2012 Polar Dash 5k.

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be wearing a newpiece of gear for a race…a piece that I have never run with before (and we know that new running items on race day are a big no-no from THIS experience).

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be garbed in this outfit (plus a few items, like my pink zip-up or black windbreaker and may earmuffs).

Tomorrow I wear Polar Dash 5k Bib 1165.

Tomorrow is the start of 2012.

Tomorrow is the start of a year of big things.

Tomorrow is the start of MY year.

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