Saturday, December 31, 2011


Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the forecast for Minneapolis is about 26°F (while is feels like 12°F), wind/flurries, 22+ MPH winds (I've heard between 25-50 MPH) and it is already snowing...

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be running my first race of 2012.

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be running the 2012 Polar Dash 5k.

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be wearing a newpiece of gear for a race…a piece that I have never run with before (and we know that new running items on race day are a big no-no from THIS experience).

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I will be garbed in this outfit (plus a few items, like my pink zip-up or black windbreaker and may earmuffs).

Tomorrow I wear Polar Dash 5k Bib 1165.

Tomorrow is the start of 2012.

Tomorrow is the start of a year of big things.

Tomorrow is the start of MY year.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The One Benefit of the Treadmill

I just took a 2 mile walk since my knee has been acting up (back to running {hopefully} tomorrow) on the treadmill.  I READ while walking on the treadmill, which was really nice!  I can't read while I run on the tread (too wobbly), but reading while I was walking on an incline (ranging between 4-6) worked out!  I have the Polar Dash 5kon Sunday, so I have to be gentle with my knee.  I think I may go pick up a new brace on the way out tonight...

Drinks tonight with Lee and Kali and Sean (and who knows who else?!?) for my belated birthday.  SUPER EXCITED!  This mama has to unwind!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday 12.28

Yes, I gained again this week.

No, I do not have anything to say about it other than stress eating is a bad idea.

Especially in the evening.

Especially when you think it is Monday and not Tuesday.


Next weigh in is on Sunday, January 1, 2012.  I'm hoping I'll be at 150 by then.

Water.  Water.  Water.

Flush out some of this sodium!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

I love Christmas.  I love spending time with family and Christmas is one of the best opportunities for that.

Christmas Eve is when we have always celebrated with my immediate family.  Hanging out with the siblings and the grandmas, Uncle Harold whining worse than us kids about wanting to open presents, football (if applicable), dinner, presents and more hanging out before sleeping to await Santa's arrival.

The cast has changed a bit with some departures and some new arrivals, but the game is pretty much the same.

Hang out.  Snacks.  Football.  Dinner.  Presents.

Did I mention that I love Christmas?

This year was a little different for me.  It was a bit more active than the usual "sit-like-a-lump-and-snack-while-waiting-for-dinner-and-presents"

  • Last minute grocery/Christmas shopping with Mom
  • Bake pretzel rolls
  • 2.5 mile run with Jason
  • Bake pumpkin pie for Ty
  • Attempt to get two 2-year-olds to sit still for a picture
  • Open presents/Help a 2-year-old open presents
  • Put together a giant play kitchen

It was great.  It always is.  My run was great, as well.  It was the first time I did a longer run with someone (not an official race) and held a conversation the whole time.  I felt great until afterward when I realized I had done something to one of my toes...*sigh*...still hurts.

Christmas morning we headed to GB for the day.  Visited with family, Lilly got to play with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Dan and Uncle Pat (and some cousins!) and then headed back the next day.  It was a short trip, but Lee had to work today, so there wasn't much of an option.

Plan for the week?

  • Clean here and there
  • Run a few times
  • Read my book
  • Relax a bit
  • Go out to celebrate my birthday
  • ???

I didn't do much for myself last was more about prepping for the holiday.  This week will be about me!  Oh, some cleaning and stuff, too, I guess.


Friday, December 23, 2011

Let It Snow!

We sure had the snow coming down this morning despite the weatherman saying it would be a brown Christmas.    I am THRILLED because I love the snow!!!  You cannot have a Minnesota Christmas without snow.  Anyway, I've been slacking on the running thing lately, so I made myself go today.  I took a shot of the road...

Makes Sense Why I Had NO Traction...

Well, it was probably the best run I have ever had.  I felt great once I hit the road where I usually come back (around 2.5 miles), so I just kept going (up a big hill).  I have never been on a run before and not thought "WHEN THE HELL IS THIS TORTURE GOING TO END?!?!?"  I have never been on a run before and thought, "I feel pretty good...let's keep going!"  It was a great feeling :)  I ran a little loop and then ran to the end or our street (dead end).  40:03 was how long I ran (with crappy traction in the snow).  I tracked my route when I got back...3.93 miles!  I was .07 miles short of 4 miles!!!  That is still the longest I have ever run at one time.  And I had a realization...

I can totally run a half marathon...

Birthday dinner tonight with Lee and then Christmas Eve with the family tomorrow (and perhaps a morning run).  I might try my hand at making pretzel rolls tomorrow!!!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday 12.21

I ate like crap the last denying it.  I can't say I'm surprised.  I knew being home would cause trouble.  And baking delicious treats?!?  *sigh*

I gained 2.0 pounds this week.  Sad, but true (though, again, not surprising...)

On a positive note, I had a nice 2.5 mile run yesterday.  However, after all of my runs lately, I've had a pain in my right ankle.  Not terrible, but strange.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What Did Katie Do Yesterday?


Here are the treats I made yesterday in my baking furry: White Bread, Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti, Chocolate-Dipped Brownies, Peanut Butter Blossoms, Holiday Pretzel Delights, Chocolate-Dipped Marshmallows.

I was nervous about the bread, since it was my first shot at making any sort of yeast bread, but it turned out okay.  I might make some more today or tomorrow.  I am making a bunch of banana bread tomorrow.  Anybody want some banana bread?  

Lee said he wanted some biscotti and brownies to bring to work, so I made the treats and sent him with a tray today:  I am anxious to see how it goes over...

Lee's Work Treat Tray (All of the above...minus the bread)

So, I know this isn't about yesterday's baking adventure, but Lilly was helping put up stockings and playing with Christmas hats.  She is such a doll...

Laundry is in and who knows what else is on the agenda today.  Most def some gift wrapping...gotta get going on that!  We shall see...maybe some running since my ankle is feeling better...???


Monday, December 19, 2011

Vacation...All I Ever Wanted...

*sings* Vacation...had to bake all day...

Okay, so I've got the next two weeks off (thank you very much, saving up vacation days is SOOOOO worth it).  Today is day one of that two weeks and I'm baking!  I've got Pandora on, I'm working on baking my first loaf of yeast bread (white...simple for my first go at it) and I've gotten brownies in the oven, too!  I've got banana bread and biscotti to bake, as well, and who knows what else.

I should probably throw some laundry in at some point and maybe do a little cleaning and gift wrapping, eh?

I'll let you know later how I made out today!


PS yes...I am aware that this post has nothing to do with running or exercising or eating right.  That's okay in my book, especially since I did do a nice 3 miler yesterday :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Plan for Sunday?

  • Take a nap on the couch because I slept like crap last night (check!)
  • Play toys with Lilly  (check!)
  • Enjoy breakfast and coffee while reading the paper with Lee and Lilly (check!)
  • Play on computer while watching the Vikings game (in progress)
  • Eat some leftover tacos (in progress)
  • Go for a run in the nice weather
  • Relax
  • Play toys with Lilly
  • Take a bath
  • Watch a movie
  • Wrap some Christmas presents


Birthday Party Day

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  I had a really awful/terrible/dreadful/bad food relationship day.  I ate so much I was sick.  Later, I ate more when I still felt full and sick.  Repeat throughout the day.  Fail.  Oh, well.  It was still a good day.

  • Kringle
  • Shopping with Mom
  • Grande Nonfat Caramel Maciatto from Starbucks
  • Hanging out with family
  • This watch from my sister/brother-in-law/niece/nephew!
  • A card with a nice note in it from my seeeeeeeeester
  • TACOS!!!
  • Grande Java Chip Frappuccino and Pumpkin Loaf from Starbucks
  • Casino Trip with Mom
  • Relaxing Bath

All in all, not a bad birthday party day :)


Thursday, December 15, 2011

12.14 LoseIt Log...Dang It!

I ate over my calories during the week, so post it, I must!  Here ya be!

PS I had to guess on the dinner thing (probably quite a bit over), since it was two different kinds and squares...*sigh*


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Treadmill or Outside? Outside, hands down!

I still don't like the treadmill (though I did have a very nice 2.5 miler on Monday), so I have been craving an outdoor run since in snowed and got colder and since it is too dark to run by the time I get home (our neighborhood has 1 streetlight {yes...I said 1 streetlight} and it is right across from our house).  I had Lee pick up Bean last night (since it was 37 degrees out) and I zoomed home, threw on my running gear, and took off.

2.5 miler up a big hill and back down a little hill

The run was going fairly well.  I felt pretty damn good!  However, shortly after the 1.5 mile mark, I got a sharp pain under my rib.  It was like somebody stabbed me with a knife and twisted it.  It stopped me in my tracks.  I couldn't breathe because the pain was so bad. I had to walk really slowly for about 3 minutes/stop to try to stretch it out (which totally threw off my pace...bummer).

Overall, it was okay.  I got to run outside and still did okay despite the long, big hill around the 1 mile mark (and my stalling pain).  Oh, yeah, I got a huge knot in my right thigh from the cold after I was done and walking.  Walked it out on the treadmill and took a nice little bath.  'Twas enjoyable.

I am ahead of schedule for training this week, so that makes me really happy!  I can  will do this!


PS totally figured out my Half Marathon training route last night...yikes!

Kali Understands...

Thanks for this gem, Kali!

Weigh-In Wednesday 12.14


BOOM goes the dyn-a-mite!


(Yes, I do have the same toe nail polish on...I never take it off once I put it on...ugh...I know...gross)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

And Just Like *That*...

Yesterday started off pretty decent for a Monday after a pretty decent weekend.  Bean was in a good mood and was giving kisses quite freely, Lee made me my oatmeal breakfast while I got ready, I looked pretty adorable (if I do say so myself), and my coffee was making my soul happy.

And just like *that* I didn't give a shit anymore.

Something happened (and no...I'm not going to get into it on here.  Those that know...know.  Those that don't...won't).

I didn't want to do this stupid weight loss thing anymore.  I didn't care about stupid running.  I didn't want to go for any more stupid runs.  I didn't want to do any stupid 10k's or Half's or Full's.  I didn't want to talk to people about stupid losing weight.  I didn't want to talk to people about stupid exercising.  I didn't want to talk to people about stupid running.

I didn't want to write this stupid. fucking. blog anymore (pardon the language).

I was done.

Then, I got The Box.

And just like *that* I realized I was stupid.

And I was given yet another reason (aside from Lilly and Lee and myself and future VB's and yada, yada) to keep up what I'm doing.

I have to look hot in a dress in eight months (Kali said we both had to...I think she threatened violence...).

And I've got goals.  I set those goals for myself and for nobody else.  I need to stop letting people try to take them away from me.

Plans are changing...formulating in my head...shifting...

2012 is going to be a big have no idea...


The Box

When Kali got to work yesterday morning, she gave me this...

A cute little box.  A box I will keep forever because it meant a lot to me.

Not necessarily the box, itself, though it was quite nicely painted (way to go, Sean!), but it was the contents.

It was truly filled with sunshine and the whole thing just warmed my heart and meant more to me than I can really say.  I'm not quite ready to share with you fine folks what was inside, but know that that girl is many things: crafty, clever and adorable!

I heart you, my dear!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend in Review

 The weekend was a nice one.
  • Friday:
    • Enjoyed a dinner at Famous Dave's with Lee and Lilly.  I know it was a bazillion calories, but it was so worth it to get to enjoy some grub out with the two best people.  Lilly was such a good kiddo while we were out, so it made it even better.
    • Went shopping with my Mom for a bit.  She made me get some clothes for "under the tree" since I don't have a lot of clothes that fit me anymore.  This ended in her giving me them all save for a pair of jeans because she doesn't "feel like wrapping all that stuff".
  • Saturday:
    • Got to pick up my Bibs and Gear for Polar Dash and Get Lucky.  They had it set up really well and the gear is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
    • Had lunch with Lee downtown at Rock Bottom Brewery.  It was nice to spend some time together.
    • Went and got student rush tickets with Lee for Christmas.  We saw Les Misérables (Lee's favorite show) at the Orpheum (my favorite theatre).  It was a great show.  We had great seats.  It was a great time.
    • Grabbed a slice of pizza at Mesa Pizza in Dinkytown on our way home (oh, Mac and Cheese I love thee!)
  • Sunday:
    • Got to read the paper and enjoy a cup of coffee and breakfast while Lilly and Daddy ran to the store.
    • Did some more shopping with my Mom.  It was a rather unsuccessful trip for me, but she got something she had been looking for.  I got some Starbucks, so that was a nice treat!
    • Post-shopping nap during football.  It was delightful (even if Lilly REALLY didn't want me to sleep)
    • 4-5 loads of laundry (this is what happens when you miss a weekend of laundry and are too lazy to do it during this week...) and we aren't quite done.
    • Wrapped some presents.  I'm not quite done, but I'm getting there!
As you can see, the planned 2.5 miles outside did not happen.  The plan was to do them Sunday after my nap, but that lasted until 4:13 or it was getting dark.  And there was NOTHING that was getting me on that treadmill last night, so the run just didn't happen.  I was really bummed about it, but now, I'm just letting it roll.

So, I'm rethinking my workout plan for the near future.  The treadmill and I are are still enemies, so the straight 2+ mile runs are worse than torture.  I'm thinking maybe some speed drills or something.  I don't know, but I have to figure something out...


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Polar Dash 5k Training Schedule

So, I'm not really sure that I need a schedule to "train" for this 5k, but I created one (along with one for the Get Lucky 7k and then the Minneapolis Half Marathon) to keep me on track and actually running.  I figured I would post it every once in a while to keep myself accountable!  I plan on using my Sunday runs (at least) to run outside in preparation for the whole "running-outside-on-the-1st-of-the-year" thing.  Wish me luck!  I am actually looking forward to running outside...I still hate the treadmill...  Any ideas/suggestions on how to make it better???

2 runs down...a bunch to go!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Could This Be More True?


Weigh-In Wednesday 12.7

Hope your morning is going quite delightful.

Scale was being kind of goofy this morning...but here is my un-"official" weight.

Cue drum roll, please.

*drum roll*

Hello there, 140s!!!

It took me an extra two weeks, but I'm in the 140s finally!!!  The original plan was the week of Thanksgiving, but that didn't happen with the guests at the house.  I'll take the two weeks late!  Now, let's see if I can keep this going.  Next goal...???

How about...145 pounds by my 27th birthday.  That gives me two weeks to lose 4.6 pounds.  Let's do this!  Tough?  Yes, but I sure can try!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Run Like a Little Hampster

1.5 Miles done!  Sweaty was I!  The first run after a break is the toughest (or at least that is what I'm telling myself).

On another note, I ran the first mile the fastest I have ever run a mile...8:49!  Don't judge...I'm pokey...

We are gonna do this...Here we go!



Last night, my blog had a minor face lift.  I didn't like how junky the layout was, so I tweeked it a bit.  For now, it will do.

Also, my little bloggie had a name and url change!  I'm becoming more and more aware that I will never fully give up my Cookie Girl side, so I've decided I just have to be a Cookie Girl and a Runner Girl.  Hence, the blog name is now Cookie Girl Runner Girl and the new url: (I simply removed the word "to"...since I'm merging both sides).

Finally, I'm trying to find a way to keep myself logging my meals.  It is tedious to look everything up on LoseIt! every time I put it in my mouth, so I'm trying something new...

My FoodTracker Journal!

I'm going to be using this little guy to write down everything I put in my mouth (except for water) and then I can log it all at the end of the day.  This will help me (I hope) become better able to learn what my daily calorie intake should look like...without having to really track my calories as I go.  Here goes...wish me luck...


I've Never Said This Before, But...

...I'm excited for Weigh-In Wednesday tomorrow.  If I eat well today and the scale is like it was this morning, I just may cry/rejoice!

*crosses fingers*

I beat the ice cream last night.  Let's see if I can beat the chocolate/candy/chippies today!


Monday, December 5, 2011


...I beat the ice cream!

Katie: 1
Ice Cream: 0


Best List of Running Songs. Ever.

Haha...fooled you into thinking I had that special list, eh?  Well, I don't, but I'm looking to get some good new music for the Ultimate Running Mix.  My problem is that I get sick of songs or find (mid-run) that they don't have enough punch/bass/beat.  Some of the gems on my current/former list are (in no particular order)...NO JUDGING!!!...

  • Jump Around - House of Pain
  • Black Betty - Ram Jam
  • Somebody to Love - Justin Bieber (I said no judging...)
  • California Gurls - Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg
  • Whoomp! (There It Is) - Tag Team
  • If We Ever Meet Again - Timbaland featuring Katy Perry
  • Anything and Everything by Girl Talk



Sunday, December 4, 2011


"I was looking at Angel's desk looking at pictures from the Valleyfair trips...oh, my God, Katie!  You're tiny!"

I'm still struggling hearing things like this.

Especially at work.

Especially from a manager.

She said that to me over three months ago and I started to write this entry, but never finished it and never published it.  Why?

I told myself I was dumb and being way too sensitive.

At the beginning of November, we got together with Lee's Dad's side of the family for Grandma Mary's funeral.  That in itself was a struggle because she was a great lady.  Aside from that (and yes, I'm being totally this is MY blog), the comments really got to me.  We don't see Lee's extend family a great deal with us being in Minnesota and them being in Eastern Wisconsin.  To be honest, most of them haven't seen me since last Christmas (shortly after I started this journey), if not last May when Becky got married (which was...three months after Lilly was born and I looked like a big, bloated, fluffy whale-of-a-woman).

"Wow, Kate.  You look amazing!  Have you just lost a ton of weight or what?"

"I can't believe how great you look."

"You look beautiful, by the way."

Comments from aunts and cousins and the last from a male cousin as I was giving him a hug goodbye.  I just never know how to take this stuff yet.  I generally just blush and mumble a "yeah, thanks" and kind of walk away.  I know this doesn't always seem like the most polite thing to do, but I honestly don't know how to take compliments about my weight.

On Friday, one of my co-workers said something to me as I walked by.  I thought she called me "skanky" so I asked her what she said.  She said, "I said you are so skinny!"  It was weird.  I don't know.  Getting compliments from people who aren't in the same boat I am in...who aren't on this same journey I just doesn't seem comfortable for me.  I know that doesn't make much sense, especially for those who have always been around a healthy body weight.  I am, for the first time in my adult, near a healthy weight for my body.

How do normal people take weight loss compliments?  Am I supposed to gloat and gush about the fact that I don't (generally) eat like crap anymore or that I run my little tail off to do it?  Is mumbling a quiet thank you and nothing more acceptable?

I feel like I am, to an extent, more self-conscious now and as I lose more weight than I was when I was bigger.  I supposed that I knew how to "live" in that skin.  I knew how to own who and what I was.  This current ground is all foreign to me...  I know there are people out there that just say "be who you've always been...".  Well, I have always been a fat girl and I'm not really that anymore, so things have changed...I have changed...


Thanksgiving 2011

Yes, I realize that I'm posting this a week and a half late...but whatever...

Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite holidays. It is the one time of year that my entire family (Dad's side) gets together...and this year was no different. This year, in fact, it was even better, but I will get to that...

Anyway, on to my Thanksgiving Day 2011 (*break it down, now!*):
  • Woke up way too early to go with Jason and Jen to run the Fast Before the Feast 5k in White Bear Lake. I started of the day WAY AWESOME with a new personal record 5k time of 30:16 (hush up, you...I know I'm pokey...)
    That's me in pink behind the lady with a turkey on her head...
  • Headed back home to shower and get ready for the Miller Family Extravaganza!  Helped cook and clean and get everything perfect.  And people came and came! It wasn't just my Dad's side of the family either! It was my Mom's brother and his family (more on this later) and two of Lee's brothers and there were friends!
    Tammy (sis), Jason (bro) and me...I love how special we all look

  • Ate lots and lots and lots of great food (Mom always makes the best Thanksgiving meals!) I got sick and then I proceeded to eat more! And then I took a break and ate some more! And then dessert (or rather, desserts!) And then I rested and everyone left and I ate some more!
  • Checked out the Black Friday ads and finalized the plan of attack with my mom. Did not go to bed (as stores opened at midnight!), but ate some more while waiting to head out.
And I sang The Thanksgiving Song by Adam Sandler quite a bit...because it is funny to sing on Thanksgiving. I could only remember the part that is like "Turkey lurkey dee and turkey lurkey daa...I like to eat Turkey with my Ma"...if that is really even part of it...but still..

I leave you with the song...and the lame video some made...


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Weigh Day 12.1

After Thanksgiving, I gained a bit of weight. My a "bit" of weight, I mean a lot. Today, I am at...

151.2 pounds!

I'm okay with that.  There wasn't much of a loss (.4 pounds), but despite eating my weight (and then some) in turkey/cheese and crackers/pie/cheesecake/caramel bars, I didn't "really" gain!  *woot*woot*

I will take it!

Lee and I are moving weigh in days to Wednesday starting next week.  6 days until another weigh day.

I've got a blog coming about Thanksgiving and one about upcoming stuff, but I've been too dang lazy when I get home at night to finish them...blah.  Oh, well.  Soon.