Tuesday, December 13, 2011

And Just Like *That*...

Yesterday started off pretty decent for a Monday after a pretty decent weekend.  Bean was in a good mood and was giving kisses quite freely, Lee made me my oatmeal breakfast while I got ready, I looked pretty adorable (if I do say so myself), and my coffee was making my soul happy.

And just like *that* I didn't give a shit anymore.

Something happened (and no...I'm not going to get into it on here.  Those that know...know.  Those that don't...won't).

I didn't want to do this stupid weight loss thing anymore.  I didn't care about stupid running.  I didn't want to go for any more stupid runs.  I didn't want to do any stupid 10k's or Half's or Full's.  I didn't want to talk to people about stupid losing weight.  I didn't want to talk to people about stupid exercising.  I didn't want to talk to people about stupid running.

I didn't want to write this stupid. fucking. blog anymore (pardon the language).

I was done.

Then, I got The Box.

And just like *that* I realized I was stupid.

And I was given yet another reason (aside from Lilly and Lee and myself and future VB's and yada, yada) to keep up what I'm doing.

I have to look hot in a dress in eight months (Kali said we both had to...I think she threatened violence...).

And I've got goals.  I set those goals for myself and for nobody else.  I need to stop letting people try to take them away from me.

Plans are changing...formulating in my head...shifting...

2012 is going to be a big year...you have no idea...


1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work kiddo. You've worked hard to get hear and your journey has just begun. And remember....you are here because YOU want to be and will obtain your goals because YOU want to. Keep up the good work and always know I am hear if you need a sounding board or anything else.

    Your Big Brother...
