Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Couch to 5k 2013 - Switching It Up

Technically, I'm supposed to have done Week 5 Day 2 of the Couch to 5k today.  I, however, have a 5k race on Sunday, so I figured I would switch it up and do a slow little run on the treadmill to see if I can actually keep myself going for an extended period of time anymore.  The plan was to put that sucker on 6 mph and cruise (hopefully) for 2 miles (hopefully).


Warm Up - 5 Minutes - 2 Min. @ 4 mph, 1 Min. @ 4.1 mph, 1 Min. @ 4.2 mph, 1 Min. @ 4.3 mph (.34)
Run 10 Min. @ 6 mph, Run 8 Min. @ 6.1 mph, 2 Min. @ 6.2 mph (2.02)
Cool Down - 5 Minutes - 2 Min. @ 4.3 mph, 1 Min. @ 4.2 mph, 1 Min. @ 4.1 mph, 1 Min. @ 4 mph (.35)

I got a horrible stitch in my right side before I even hit mile one, but I decided to push through it and bump up the speed a tiny bit for last last part.  We shall see how Sunday goes...  :)  A little BodBot work and now I'm headed outside for DAY 4 of yard work (never ending...especially since the previous owners never did anything!!!) before I start 5 days of work in a row (before 1 day off and then 3 more days).  Gotta get what I can done before the rain comes.

Let's do this!!!

Have a great day!!!


1 comment:

  1. Every time I see your blog, it reminds me to get back in shape...I will use you as my inspiration! I have a good 15 pounds I want gone and do you know how I think I got them? I don't blame it on baby weight although that contributed, I blame it on maternity leave sitting around all day and now I've tried starting over several times only to start and not get a steady routine. However every time I read that you've run, it reminds me to go do something so thank you!
