Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Excuse Me...What's My Motivation?

Haha...this commercial still makes me giggle.

"Excuse me...excuse me...what...what's my motivation?"

However, in all seriousness...

World...I have lost it.

My motivation, that is.

Here come my "I-Haven't-Been-Running-Consistently" excuses (and by that I mean I haven't run much at all lately):

My weekends have been busy.  Between driving to and spending time at the cabin (and dealing with Lilly's meltdown!), driving to and spending time in Milwaukee, and the awesomeness that is the Great Minnesota State Fair...this has left me with little time to run.  Add work and Lilly into the mix and there isn't much time left in the day.  I know I could get up earlier, but this leads me to my second excuse.

All of this running around here and there mixed in with being über busy at work has left me with little to no energy to do anything else.  I pretty much go get Lilly after work, head home for dinner and play time and hit the hay after Lilly does.  It is a struggle to get out of bed when I absolutely have to in the morning, let alone any earlier to run!

I've lost quite a bit of weight.  The attention I got at first...with people telling me that I look great and that it was awesome that I lose the weight...it was nice!  Now, I just feel weird about it.  After a former co-worker told me at the Fair (and I quote), "Yeah, I know Katie.  But you've lost a lot of...(awkward pause)...size."  Who honestly feels like that isn't weird to say to someone you haven't seen in over two year...and to a former colleague, no less?  I just have a hard time keeping on this journey, especially when I'm not really sure how to handle comments.

My major source of motivation was Lilly.  I wanted to make sure I could keep up with her and not be just a big, fat tub-o-goo.  I'm able to chase her and play and I'm not really a big, fat tub-o-goo anymore.  So, mission accomplished, right?

Maybe I just need to wait until the Fair is over and work settles down a bit.  Maybe things will fall back into place and I'll get back on my running horse again.  Maybe I'm just destined to be a lump-of-turd!

I really still want to be a runner.  I want to always crave a good run.  I want that runner's high.  I just need a new source of motivation.

So here is my big question:

What is your motivation?

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