Friday, April 26, 2013

Couch to 5k 2013 - W3D3

Couch to 5k Week 3 Day 3
Warm Up - 5 Minutes
Run 3 Minutes, Walk 2 Minutes, Run 90 Seconds, Walk 2 Minutes - 17 Minutes
Cool Down - 5 Minutes

Sun was shining so OF COURSE I had to do this outside, right?!?

Warm Up - 5 Minutes (.32)
Run 3 Minutes, Walk 2 Minutes, Run 90 Seconds, Walk 2 Minutes - 17 Minutes (1.54)
Cool Down - 5 Minutes (.32)

It was pretty windy out there!  I felt okay during my workout, but I felt like I was having some trouble pushing myself to run at that higher pace.  After seeing that my overall distance was only .01 mile shorter compared to running on the treadmill this week, I was satisfied with the run.  I realized that I was probably having less trouble pushing to that higher speed and more trouble staying consistent with my speed.  I'm sure I had some firecracker moments in there, but I also know that I had some slower speeds, too...

I had a bunch of weight stuff to do from my BodBot, so that got done, too.  Glad tomorrow is a rest day (from running, anyway)!

I'm really hoping that this C25K redo (along with BodBot stuff) is serving its purpose...

Have a great rest of your Friday!


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