Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2012 Women Run the Cities 10 Mile

On Sunday, I woke up bright and early after our first night in the new house and buzzed out the door into the freezing cold.  My first 10 mile race was here: Women Run the Cities 10 Mile!

I got down to Minnehaha Park with plenty of extra time.  I got the best possible parking spot and ate a little Chobani for my breakfast.  I hadn't had time (with moving the days before) to pick up my packet, so I jumped out of the car and ran to do that.  It was only 32 degrees F outside...so it really was freezing!  After I got my stuff, I ran back to my car to decide what to wear and prep for the race.  Luckily, I had thrown on some gear, but grabbed a bunch of extra items, since I wasn't exactly sure what the weather would be like.  I settled on capri pants (that I haven't worn in FOREVER), my pink tank that I normally wear for races and my pick zip-up.  I was freezing to start, but was worried I would get too hot , but decided to go for it.  I ran to pee and then headed to the starting line.  I found the 10:30/min pacer and popped in around her and waited.  Soon, the National Anthem was sung and the race started.

In no time at all, I was across the starting line, trying to settle into a nice pace.  I will say this about pacers...I FREAKIN' LOVE THEM (most of the time)!  I have had pretty good experience with pacers in the longer races I have run.  I have seen them where they just run (at least close to) a steady pace for whatever their designated time is...fairly silent the entire time other than giving timing counts at the mile markers.  I have also seen them where they totally pump up their group.  This was the case of the 10:30 pacer for this race.  I don't recall her name (I believe it was Becky...), but she was checking on people, encouraging us, making comments about the weather and running and even making jokes every now and then.  Around mile 5, there is a giant climb of about a hundred feet.  She really helped to push everyone up it, telling us that it was the hardest part of the race and we'd be done going up in two minutes and ready to go slightly downhill.  She was really great.  She helped a lot of ladies get through those miles and she really helped get me through the hardest part of that race.  I was able to stick with the ground until mile 7, when my knee had to have a little walk break, but she really did get me to that point.

Anyway, I did alright up until that point, but then had a few walk breaks after that.  They were short, but they were there.  When I got to about a quarter mile from the finish, I told myself (internally) that I would walk to the next little bridge and then run the rest of the way.  Well, I took two steps walking and some lady told me not to stop, that I could do it, that I was almost there...and with that I ran with her the rest of the way.  Some random stranger pushed me to finish the race and I am super grateful for that random stranger.  :)

Apparently, my body wasn't 100% after moving the last week (especially on Saturday).   I did what I could, though, and while I'm not thrilled, I still finished ahead of the 11:00/mile pacer, which was my goal.

Official time: 1:47:15

After the race, I met up with my brother, who had served as a bike marshal for the race, and we grabbed lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings.  It was nice to spend a bit of time with him one on one.  After lunch, I buzzed home to find my sweetie pies crashed on the couch with the tv playing my favorite NFL team creaming the 49ers :)  Life is good.

My One and Only Picture from Race Day


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Little Health-Type Update

Things, as you can see from my last post, have been quite busy lately.  We close on our house this morning...still can't believe it...so, my time has been filled with packing and cleaning and paperwork and prepping and yada yada yada.  Very little time for my lovely little blog...(I'M SORRY!)  I thought, however, that a little update is due...ya know...something with my health in it, eh?

I have a 10 mile race on Sunday (the day after we are moving into the new house).  I'm running the Women Run the Cities 10 Mile and it should be a good time.  I'm hoping the race has pacers, so I can keep myself on track to finishing where I hope to finish and not going out to fast or ending too slow.

Training has been going alright.  Log runs have gone well until the 9 mile run I had this past Sunday, which went awful.  This week will be...meh, at best...just because I will be at the house painting/cleaning every night this week, so fitting in my training runs will be difficult.  We will see how it goes.

I had a doctor appointment last week and I am very healthy.  Nurse's comment to me: "Wow...you're just melting away, aren't you!?!"  My doctor said if she could bottle my motivation and sell it, she would be rich.  Little does she know...


Monday, September 17, 2012

Big News

Tomorrow, after 3.5 years of hunting and ups and downs, Lee and I will finally become homeowners.

I keep getting the same question…

“Are you excited?!?!?”

The answer?  Not really.  Truthfully, I think we have been up and down so many times over the years we have been going at it, I am having trouble believing that this is FINALLY it.  I think maybe that tomorrow, when all is said and done, when we have signed our lives away, when all the paperwork is complete, when we get our keys and enter our home for the first time ever…THEN…I will be excited.

After painting this week after work and an all-day paint-a-thon on Friday, we are moving in on Saturday.

The one emotion I can pull out of everything I feel?  Nervousness.

I’m nervous about Lilly.  I’m nervous about her having trouble adjusting to not having Grammy and Papa there all the time to hang out with and spoil her rotten. Granted, they will still only be a few miles away (oh, sorry…2.5 miles, driveway to driveway), I’m still worried about how she will do with the separation (same with my mom!).  I think lots of visits will be in order, especially for the first few weeks.

This past week has been Hell with the maybe's and possibly's...but it is official (pending final walk-through) that we are closing tomorrow!

Here's to a new adventure for the Vanden Busch clan!!!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

So, You Had a Bad Day

Today was emotionally tough.

I don't usually talk about this, but to avoid thinking and get some sleep, I'm taking my Ambien and going to bed before 8:00 p.m.

*cough* Grandma *cough*


Friday, September 7, 2012

Figure Friday 9.7.12

Back on the horse???  I'm trying!
Not too shabby, but I'm going to try to stick with it now!
The Great Minnesota Get Together is over and I'm happy I was able to keep myself somewhat in check.  My fitness has taken a bit of a dive, but I'm working to get it back.  I have a 10 mile race in two weeks.  I can do it!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Monthly Recap: August

  1. Run 500 Miles in 2012
    • During August, I ran a total of 17.5 miles (urgh...do better, KT), therefore bringing my 2012 mileage total to 296.5/500.  Only 203.5 miles to go!  With only four (!!!) months to go, I need to run about 50 miles a month!
  2. Run a 10k
  3. Run a Half Marathon
  4. Complete a Duathlon
  5. Complete (at least) 12 Races
    • I did 1 races this month (Duathlon)...so my 2012 race total moves to 9/12!
  6. Hit my Goal Weight of 130
    • Nope
  7. Be a Better Mom
    • Still working on patience...
  8. Be a Better Wife
    • Working on communication
  9. Be a Better Friend
    • Working on making time for my friends :)
  10. Be a Great Bridesmaid
  11. Get Into Nursing School (Failed...)
  12.  Get a House
    • So close!
  13. Pay Off a Student Loan
    • Slowly, but surely...though this one is looking like it may not exactly happen...
  14. Dress Better to Feel Better
    • Still doing it...but is it working???
  15. Floss More
    • 100% in August!